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Korey Gibson: Performance Coach

“I know my purpose in life is to provide whānau with the initial knowledge and self-belief to establish all-encompassing wealthy lives, filled with absolute abundance, amongst the beauty of intergenerational living”.

"My vision is to establish an inspiring, Māori-centered living space, abundant in natural beauty, fostering the thriving of our whānau as an informed, optimistic, and continuously relevant community".

""My mission is to consistently lead by demonstrating actions that inspire motivation, employing purpose to uphold discipline, and ultimately establishing a legacy deeply rooted in mana."


E ngā pītau whakareia, tēnā koutou katoa, mai i te motu o Whenua Hou, ki Te Ahi Kaikōura a Tama ki te Rangi, nō Kāi Tahu whānui ahau, he kākano tēnei o Karanama Te Kapukai o Tū o Ngāti Huia ki Poroutāwhao o Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, i tipu ake au ki ngā rekereke o taku rangatira, ko te maunga o Taranaki, me kī, ki ngā taha o tōku iwi o Ngāti Tama, ko au tēnei - ngā mihi nui ki a tātou. 

I have been passionate about health and fitness for over 23 years, having co-founded and opened Quest Health Clubs, 57 Snap Fitness clubs, and 6 boutique fitness 9Round clubs.

I have also founded other companies such as Boot Camps Australia (51 locations throughout Australia), MyFirstGym, Fit Futures Academy  who has locations in New Zealand, Australia, and in 2024 will launch into the U.K, Singapore, and Indonesia, Cadence Beats, and Kiwa Eco Escapes in the eco-tourism sector, and was also the contracted NZ CEO for UBX Training - Boxing + Strength helping them establish their business in New Zealand and Singapore.

Outside of the business world, I have won two Ozzie and one NZ MMA titles, represented my country in rugby league, caught a few wild pigs, found myself a beautiful wife to be, helped create three beautiful Māori tamariki, and am blessed to rub shoulders with some of the most in-depth minds in the Māori world.

I take pride in completing tasks without sacrificing fun, am fiercely loyal, and have been lucky enough to help many people along my way. I am a proud Māori with Danish, Norweigan, Scottish, German, Irish and English heritage. I am passionate about helping and supporting others, and believe that personal vigour, relationships, definitive direction, personal evolution and nutrition are at the core of success.

I love being at home and present with my whānau immersed in the Māori language, and enjoy catching the worm with the pīpīwharauroa and sitting under the stars with the ruru. I believe that victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price, and as long as we positively impact on nature and others, it's worth doing.

(View my Tribal Blog on the logo below)

Nāhaku iti nei, Korey.


Why the name Whai, and why the nīkau palm frond as a logo?

Whai: (noun) - pursuit / (verb) - to be equipped with, possessing, acquire

The Whai logo, inspired by the nīkau palm native to Taranaki, symbolizes various aspects of growth and resilience. The unbranched trunk represents the importance of a strong foundation, lead scars signify resilience through success and failure, while the flowering and fruiting process symbolize patience, determination, and the eventual rewards of one's efforts. Additionally, the plant's practical uses in Māori culture, such as its laxative properties and versatile fronds, further emphasize themes of comfort, protection, and family connection. The nīkau, growing slowly but steadily towards enlightenment, serves as a powerful metaphor for endurance and the transmission of resilience through generations.